Since it is amateurishly maintained and more than ten years old, it has dents and scratches in various places. Please purchase only if you agree to these conditions. Due to the high value of these items, we will pack them strictly in the following order: sleeve, loader, and zipper bag, and send them to you. Overseas Shopping OK
ボックス パック シングル...シングル
ポケモンカードゲーム シャワーズ デルタ種 1st 1ed
Since it is amateurishly maintained and more than ten years old, it has dents and scratches in various places.
Please purchase only if you agree to these conditions.
Due to the high value of these items, we will pack them strictly in the following order: sleeve, loader, and zipper bag, and send them to you.
Overseas Shopping OK
#ポケモンカード #ポケモンカードゲーム #PCG #PCGJP
#ポケカ #トレカ #Pokemon #PokemonCard